La collana “Storie per il mondo” contiene alcuni testi di narrativa Tredieci per ragazzi tradotti in inglese o in spagnolo, disponibili in formato ebook.

  • Christmas at the North Pole (ebook)

    It’s thaw season at the North Pole. A little polar bear is playing happily on the snow when the ice where he is standing breaks and his floe is carried away by the drift. By chance, a young seal also finds herself on that ice floe, after the same adventure happened to her. This is the beginning of a tender friendship which will help the two little animals against the terrible killer whale. Luckily, they can count on the help of the big blue whale and of the friendly dolphins. They land on the continent, where they will discover one surprise after another and even meet Santa Claus and his faithful reindeer- lucky them! They will of course receive a gift. Which gift? Read the book and you will find out!!

  • El bárbaro gladiador (ebook)

    Dos hermanos, un chico y una chica, son alejados de sus tierras germánicas y llevados a Roma como esclavos. Ella sirve a una familia noble y aprende a querer a sus amos; él debe luchar como gladiador en el Coliseo. Los azares de la vida hacen que los dos se vuelvan a encontrar: después de mil aventuras, huyen de Roma y vuelven a su tierra. Allí los bárbaros se organizan y atacan el campamento de los romanos en el río Rin. La historia se desarrolla en un Imperio romano ya en declive, entre la difusión del Cristianismo y el despertar de los pueblos bárbaros.

  • Germanos en Roma (ebook)

    Dos hermanos, un chico y una chica, viven en los bosques germanos, en una orilla del río Rin. En la otra orilla se encuentran los Romanos que, de vez en cuando, hacen alguna incursión en las tierras germánicas para capturar esclavos. Los dos hermanos son capturados y llevados a las tierras del Imperio. La chica es llevada a Roma, donde descubre la grandiosidad de aquella ciudad. El chico, en cambio, es iniciado como gladiador y viaja por todo el Imperio. Durante mil acontecimientos y aventuras, los dos hermanos sueñan con encontrarse. ¿Los complacerá el Fatum? Sólo aquellos que lleguen al final del cuento podrán encontrar respuesta a esta pregunta.

  • In The Shadow of The Sphinx (ebook)

    What mysterious people are invading Egypt using terrible and strange weapons? The ancient Egyptian civilization comes into contact with a new people who come from far away, the Hyxsos…

  • Penelope’s Cloth (ebook)

    The archaeologist Schliemann, after having discovered the ruins of Troy, goes to Greece together with his wife Sofia to carry out excavations in the ancient city of Mycenae. This magic place brought new finds and he found treasures that made his archaeological adventures unique in history. He is assisted by his faithful friends to whom were added a reckless young girl, Zirl, who gets up to all kinds of things. Between attacks by bandits, a very enjoyable (and also interesting) visit to Athens, the tale of Ulysses’ voyage takes place. This time it is Sofia who relates the adventures of the great hero. And it is not clear if Ulysses’ experiences or those of the reckless group of participants in this story are more fascinating.

  • The secret of the Nile (ebook)

    Egypt has been conquered by the Hyxsos but the young Pharaoh, with one part of his people, found refuge in the lands of the South near to the great cataract. From there he organized the counter-offensive to regain his kingdom…

  • The spirit of Helen (ebook)

    The archeologist Schliemann, with his wife Sofia, is carrying out excavations that will bring the ruins of the legendary city of Troy to light.
    Next to him is the gigantic cook with her son Mark.
    But here is a new character come to enliven the scene: a girl enters their life bringing a breath of fresh air into their lives.
    Between one adventure and another the great archeologist tells the story of Troy with the kidnapping of Helen, the war, the heroic deeds, the affairs of the gods. The spirit of Helen seems to hover over that group of wonderful characters; will it be her to make love explode between the two young people?
    Will it always be her to protect them from a destiny that wants to separate them?
